👋OpenALCHI Documentation


Welcome to OpenALCHI, a revolutionary project that combines the fascinating world of alchemy with the latest advancements in blockchain technology. OpenALCHI offers a unique gaming experience where users can discover, mint, and trade elemental NFTs. Our platform leverages the power of decentralized finance (DeFi) to create a vibrant ecosystem where users can explore, interact, and benefit from various elements within the game.

Project Overview

OpenALCHI is designed with several core objectives:

  1. NFT Airdrop: In the first stage, we will conduct an NFT airdrop where users will receive the four primary elements: Water, Air, Fire, and Earth.

  2. Element Discovery and Minting: Users can search for and mint new elements in the game. Each minting action requires a fee, which is collected in a fund address.

  3. Marketplace: OpenALCHI features a marketplace where users can trade their elements. Listing elements for sale incurs a fee, which is also directed to the fund address.

  4. Continuous Expansion: We will introduce new elements and combinations over time, enhancing the gameplay and expanding the ecosystem.

  5. Partnerships: We plan to collaborate with other projects, allowing them to introduce unique elements and combinations into the game. For example, partnering with Uniswap to create a "Unicorn" element.

Smart Contracts

OpenALCHI is powered by several smart contracts, each serving a specific purpose within the ecosystem:

  1. AlchemyGame.sol: Manages the core game mechanics, including element minting and combination discovery. Audit Report: View the audit of the AlchemyGame contract

  2. NFTStake.sol: Handles the staking of NFTs, allowing users to earn rewards over time.

  3. OpenMarketplace.sol: Facilitates the buying, selling, and trading of elements in the marketplace.

  4. Token.sol: Represents the community tokens.

Features and Functionality

NFT Airdrop

In the initial phase, we will airdrop the first four elemental NFTs to selected addresses. These elements form the foundation of the game, and users can use them to start discovering new combinations.

Element Discovery and Minting

Users can explore the game to discover new elements. Each minting action requires a fee, which is collected in the fund address. This fee will be used for various purposes, such as token listing or creating pools on decentralized exchanges (DEXs).


The OpenALCHI marketplace allows users to trade their elements. Users can list their elements for sale, and buyers can purchase them. Each transaction incurs a fee, which is sent to the fund address.

We've put together some helpful guides for you to get setup with our product quickly and easily.

Last updated